Commission painting!
Would you like something painted by SR Minis , then please give me an email
Also follow me on twitter @steverevis1
Sunday, 14 December 2014
How did I miss horus
Well some how I managed to miss putting horus himself up on here! Did it a while ago, after years of 40k I new I needed to paint this model as soon as I saw it!
Emperors children
Painted these a while back, just because I really wanted to paint them! They came out just how I wanted them too! Love to do commission on these lot and I always enjoy painting purple.
Also please check out my video!
Imperial guard
I painted these up for my guard army, fantastic models much better than Cadians.
I was surprise to be using them at caeldonian uprising in January but then realised that I would never get them done! So bought a grey knight army to use and paint up. So there's a wip at the bottom for them.
Levi crew finished
Well I got these done for the ukgt. They did well and I came 10th winning 4, drawing 1 and loosing 1.
I've only been to two malifaux tournaments and at both lost one game to 1st place. So that's something to be proud of at least. Sorry can't find my close up pictures of Levi but there's a video here.
Sunday, 24 August 2014
Levi crew begins!
So I've started work on a Levi crew for the malifaux gt. So these are my first models done for the crew, 4 abominations. I did the snow with secreat weapons crushed glass, which I think came out very well. The snow looks like it's melting on the base.
The abominations them sleves were painted whites to try and show they may have died in the snow.
The archangel
Hi, I've just finished this big guy, in fact he was so big I couldn't get him my foldio! So I decided to paint him one of the meaner colours to exist white, to match angelus I painted a while back.
The model is great, I've been wanting to paint it for a while now and have really enjoyed painting it. Only issue with it was when the model came some bits were broken in the box.
Hope you like it.
Sunday, 15 June 2014
Sonnia criid
Been painting lots
The first is more convergence. These are painted in the same style as the last lot, looking very nice. I love the iron mother model, would be happy to paint it over and over....
Tuesday, 18 March 2014
There is video on you tube of these please check it out
Wednesday, 12 March 2014
Painting CoC
So the first thing I was undercoat the models black. Then I made a mix of Vallejo Bronze, Black and Gold in a jar (I'm having to do an entire army you may need that much). Then air brushed it on to the models.
Next I used Nihilakh Oxide paint, watered down a little bit. I washed it all over the model, then quick take off the paint parts not wanted.
Next I watered 50/50 wash of tamiya smoke paint and washed the model. Watch out for pooling, it may dry shinney but won't matter in the end.
Now it's time to repeat the last two stages so a Nihilakh Oxide wash again and smoke wash.
Its time again for one last lair of
Nihilakh Oxide been a little more careful this time. To finish off the armour a very thinned down wash of some kind if devlin mud. I use the army painter one, it's very good. Also you should give it a Mat varnish to get rid of the shine.
Sunday, 9 March 2014
I Started playing second edition and it is very a fun game! As with the first edition the first thing I bought was a pandora crew, getting the new plastic set this time. Can I just say the models are fantastic, with amazing detail on them.
This was the first model I painted, gave her pale skin and a black dress in a creepy little girl look. I love the way the only scary thing on the model is skull in the picnic basket.
Poltergeist and sorrows
It was nice to see a big version of a sorrow added to the set. I painted these all green to match my old sorrows, which in end was a bit of a shame. I should of painted the top half undead style really it would of looked better.
Time for the lady herself, I decided to make her dress match candys. The smoke/flame matches the Poltergeist and sorrows. Just would like to say painting the eyes on this model was pain in the bottom. They were very small to put in but lovely detail.
I'm not really sure which model I prefer this or candy. This one was painted to match my 4 month old daughter, Athena with her little blonde hair. The teddy was made to look like it's bleeding out of area where the nails have gone in, which I thought worked well.
Group shot
I'd just like to say I can't recommend malifaux enough in playing and models! Now go out and get malifaux now.
Coming soon
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