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Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Painting CoC

So the first thing I was undercoat the models black. Then I made a mix of Vallejo Bronze, Black and Gold in a jar (I'm having to do an entire army you may need that much). Then air brushed it on to the models.
Next I used Nihilakh Oxide paint, watered down a little bit. I washed it all over the model, then quick take off the paint parts not wanted.
Next I watered 50/50 wash of tamiya smoke paint and washed the model. Watch out for pooling, it may dry shinney but won't matter in the end.

Now it's time to repeat the last two stages so a Nihilakh Oxide wash again and smoke wash. 

Its time again for one last lair of
Nihilakh Oxide been a little more careful this time. To finish off the armour a very thinned down wash of some kind if devlin mud. I use the army painter one, it's very good. Also you should give it a Mat varnish to get rid of the shine.

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