Commission painting!

Would you like something painted by SR Minis , then please give me an email
Also follow me on twitter @steverevis1

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Painted CoC

Hi started doing to commission convergence of Cyriss, warmachine army and thought I'd do a bit blog for it. So here we go, he wanted the models doing an oxidised bras look and glowing red parts. 
They sent to me all built but the clockwork angels so I had to rebuild them. I then breathed to hard near them and they broke again (serves me right for not pinning them). If you haven't heard these models are hard to keep together. Some models were fully painted and he wanted them painting over. 

I have a quick video on you tube please check it out

Right so hers a few pictures of things I've done so far. 

Next time I will be showing a bit of malifaux!!!!

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