Commission painting!

Would you like something painted by SR Minis , then please give me an email
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Sunday, 24 August 2014

Levi crew begins!

So I've started work on a Levi crew for the malifaux gt. So these are my first models done for the crew, 4 abominations. I did the snow with secreat weapons crushed glass, which I think came out very well. The snow looks like it's melting on the base. 
The abominations them sleves were painted whites to try and show they may have died in the snow. 

The archangel

Hi, I've just finished this big guy, in fact he was so big I couldn't get him my foldio! So I decided to paint him one of the meaner colours to exist white, to match angelus I painted a while back. 
The model is great, I've been wanting to paint it for a while now and have really enjoyed painting it. Only issue with it was when the model came some bits were broken in the box. 
Hope you like it.