Commission painting!

Would you like something painted by SR Minis , then please give me an email
Also follow me on twitter @steverevis1

Sunday 21 April 2013

Commission cleaved and kharn

Time for some commission work. It's some plague marines painted like the cleaved, one thing that's always great about painting plague marines is if you make a mess it doesn't matter.
I was asked to give the models glowing eyes,the bases with snow and slime. Also he wanted flamers and power fists on some models. Which was easy to do due to them been fine cast models (that is one advantage of fine cast)

Also he wanted kharn doing! I must of painted this character more than any other but never grows old on me. Decided to put him higher up than the others and give him a skulls on the base.

Thursday 18 April 2013


Hi, this is one of the latest models I've painted Rask for warmachine. This is my second attempt to paint him, the first went so badly he had to go for a dettol wash. Good model with some nice details. My favourite been his back pack made from a gator tale. I painted to match my old gatorman army I painted, brown and bone colours.
Cheers for looking.